
All artworks, designs, Online Store designs, audio, video, text, photographs and graphics files featured on this Online Store (collectively, the "Content") and the the trademarks, service marks and logos contained therein (the “Marks”) are the exclusive property of us or controlled by us or licensed to us and are protected by copyright and trademark laws and various other intellectual property rights laws, including the German copyright laws, foreign jurisdictions and international conventions. 

No part of the “Content” and/or the “Marks” displayed on this website may be copied, reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the respective author or creator. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.

Insofar as the Content or Marks on this Online Store was not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are observed. Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, we ask that you inform us accordingly. As soon as we become aware of legal violations, we will remove such content immediately. 

Liability for content

We are responsible for our own content on this Online Store according to Section 7, Paragraph 1 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG). According to § 8 to 10 TMG, however, we are not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity.

Obligations to remove or block the use of information according to general laws remain unaffected. However, liability in this regard is only possible from the point in time at which knowledge of a specific infringement of the law is known. As soon as we become aware of any violations of the law, we will remove this content immediately.

